Sharing the wisdom of business and in life!
Word of Mom Radio

Episodes LIVE on your time!

Oct. 18, 2018

#MompreneurModel - Crafty Dazzles by Susie Lewis #WordofMomRadioNetwo…

Host Dori DeCarlo returns to the Mompreneur Model show with good friend Susie Lewis who creates some amazing crafty items and offers a special promotion to our

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Oct. 17, 2018

#MindfulHealthyHabits - Lisa Rufsholm - Hair Analysis Nutrition #WoMR…

Lisa Rufsholm shares the science behind a hair analysis she can do and use to customize your nutrition in order to solve imbalances and improve your health!

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Oct. 16, 2018

#Business Spotlight - Theresa Siaw -Chicago politician, director of O…

Host Traci Timmons speaks to Theresa Siaw about her life of service to the community and how it is NEVER too late to start a new life

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Oct. 15, 2018

#MatineeMonday presents "Divination: a new play by Dorian Palumbo pla…

This talented and prolific writer for screen and stage is producing her new comedy-drama at American Theatre for Actors in NYC.

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Oct. 11, 2018

Dori DeCarlo shares Susan Bysiewicz - CT Lt. Governor candidate #Momp…

Dori DeCarlo and Susan Bysiewicz have worked together since Susan's mission as CT Secretary of State was to help small businesses grow. We highlight her now as

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Oct. 10, 2018

#MindfulHealthyHabits - ditch the toxins from your mouth with Simply …

Word of Mom Radio Network talks to dental hygienist Heather Paul about her completely chemical free colloidal silver based oral care products. Ditch the toxins

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Oct. 9, 2018

Renee Sullivan - RS Consulting's Long Term Wealth Plan #BusinessSpotl…

Part One of a two part series: our #BusinessSpotlight highlights the Long Term Wealth Plan that Renee Sullivan and RS Consulting has developed. It is a program

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Oct. 8, 2018

#MusicMonday on #WoMRadioNetwork - Julia Breanetta Simpson - "Classy …

Support arts in education and hear great stories about Lena Horne and the great work Breanetta Productions is doing!

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Oct. 4, 2018

#WoMRadioNetwork #MompreneurModel - Marianne's Plates

Marianne's Plates are a convenient easy way to learn proper portion control and nutrition

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Oct. 3, 2018

#MindfulHealthyHabits on #WoMRadioNetwork - Tea for Eve - organic & e…

Mother-daughter team Kacia Kelly & Ellen Haney have developed these incredible organic, kosher, eco-friendly blends that taste FANTASTIC and are also designed w

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Oct. 2, 2018

Social Media Help Not Hype: Grow Your Brand #WoMRadioNetwork #Busines…

Practical ways for MOMpreneurs to grow their business without a huge marketing budget or celebrity friends to endorse us!

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Sept. 25, 2018

Renee Sullivan on Why To Diversify #BusinessSpotlight from the #WoMRa…

Diversification strategy: Why it's a good idea to diversify and build multiple streams of income that go together and are simple to follow.

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Sept. 24, 2018

#WomRadio Positively Entertaining with Beth Hilton - Kristen Speller

The first Cape Verdean to play the dulcimer on itunes, this survivor and advocate for domestic violence and human trafficking victims shares her stories and har

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Sept. 18, 2018

#MindfulHealthyHabits - Accepting & Respecting Emotion on #WordofMomR…

Our society teaches us to hide or suppress "negative" emotions. Accepting, respecting and dealing with our true feelings leads to better psychological health.

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Sept. 17, 2018

#WoMRadioNetwork #MusicMonday - The Flukes - a bold young funk band

Traci Timmons speaks with The Flukes - an original funk rock band that is exploding onto the music scene on the Jersey shore and beyond!

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Sept. 11, 2018

#WoMRadioNetwork #BusinessSpotlight is on Tall Order - a special 9/11…

Dan & Mike Friedman pay forward the support they got from Tuesday's Children after losing their father who worked at the World Trade Center. And they sell real

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Sept. 10, 2018

#WomRadioNetwork #PositivelyEntertaining with Beth Hilton brings you …

We had to share once again our very first Musical Guest on Positively Entertaining the incredible Fiona Joy. ENJOY!

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Sept. 6, 2018

#WoMRadio shares our conversation in recognition of #SuicideAwareness…

We re-air our conversation with Kelly Karius of #NoSuchThingAsaBully and #MomentofKindness along with grieving father David Carraturo as we honor his daughter J

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Sept. 5, 2018

Mindful Healthy Habits w/Traci & Ellen - You Don't Know How It Feels …

You Don't Know How It Feels by Kelley Blessing takes art as therapy to a new level. It is drama at its finest, but also raw and honest and uncomfortable. Four

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Sept. 4, 2018

#BusinessSpotlight Renee & Traci finish their discussion on personal …

When the student is ready the teacher will appear - we focus in on why we do what we do and how if you are open to the lessons being given you will always learn

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Aug. 30, 2018

#WoMRadio Author's Alley - Jennifer Degenhardt - Puentes Language

Jennifer Degenhardt began writing books in Spanish to better engage her Middle School students and teach the language through more interesting stories. Now thr

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Aug. 29, 2018

Mindful Healthy Habits w/Traci & Ellen - Sora Vernikoff: Peaceful Foo…

Sora Vernikoff has a no diet weight loss program where you eat WHAT you want and stop WHEN you want. She helps us to be at peace with all the foods we love.

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Aug. 28, 2018

#WoMRadio Business Spotlight - Love Money Coach Kerri Gardner

Kerri Gardner is another incredible Mompreneur who has shared with us before and now has a whole new path in her life. She helps us to LOVE money and to manife

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Aug. 27, 2018

#WoMRadio Positively Entertaining with Beth Hilton - Rigzin Tromge pt…

Rigzin Tromge so enchanted Beth Hilton and Traci Timmons that we couldn't contain her and her music in one show. Here is the second part of our conversation an

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