Dee DiFatta is a Perspective & PositiviDee Coach and Founder of A Dose of PositiviDee. After 49 years of life, 27 years living with Multiple Sclerosis, and 17 years working full-time in the insurance industry, Dee has become a catalyst for healing and positive change. An author, speaker, educator, and coach, Dee helps people redefine their circumstances so they can break through their barriers and achieve boundless potential. She teaches the fundamental strategies necessary for people to free themselves from their limiting beliefs of the past and gain the confidence and courage to get realigned with their purpose so they can redesign their path forward.
Healthy Habits/Authors Alley February 17th 1pmET/10amPT and then in podcast. Connect with Dee online at and on Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. Grab Your Daily Dose of PositiviDee EBook on Amazon.
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Thanks to Safety Bags, Inc.,, and, and to for our theme song, She is You.
#WordofMomRadio - Sharing the wisdom of women, in business and in life.