Sharing the wisdom of business and in life!
Wordeee Founder Marva Allen in the Business Spotlight on WoMRadio
Wordeee Founder Marva Allen in the Business Spotlight on Wo…
Multi-dimentional entrepreneur Marva Allen joins Dori DeCarlo in the Business Spotlight on #WoMRadio.
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April 16, 2019

Wordeee Founder Marva Allen in the Business Spotlight on WoMRadio

Wordeee Founder Marva Allen in the Business Spotlight on WoMRadio

Multi-dimentional entrepreneur Marva Allen joins Dori DeCarlo in the Business Spotlight on #WoMRadio.

An entrepreneur since the age of 24, Marva Allen has led many companies to success. A technologist, author, publisher, bookstore owner and Business School University Professor, Allen brings pedagogy, vision and experience to the leadership to everything she is involved in. A national speaker and lecturer on entrepreneurship, Allen's influential footprint spans multiple disciplines. Her latest venture, Wordeee is a social, digital platform with the power to redefine the future of words through value chain disruption. It's all about putting creative power back into the hands of the creators. Exploiting the power of words across media platforms is our vision. Wordeee was built with equality in mind and on the notion that the global digital playground generates exciting, diverse content. Connect with Marva on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,YouTube. We continue to partner with No Such Thing As a Bully and say thanks to Smith Sister Bluegrass for She is You!.   Thank you sponsors Safety Bags, Inc and  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Email for info! #WoMMedia  ~ Sharing the Wisdom of Women

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