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#WoMRadio #MusicMonday presents Moonshine Revival Tent - musical fairtales!
#WoMRadio #MusicMonday presents Moonshine Revival Tent - mu…
Moonshine Revival Tent is Oh Brother Where Art Thou meets the Brothers Grimm as they perform original fairy tales set to lush music at Cafe…
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May 7, 2018

#WoMRadio #MusicMonday presents Moonshine Revival Tent - musical fairtales!

#WoMRadio #MusicMonday presents Moonshine Revival Tent - musical fairtales!

Moonshine Revival Tent is Oh Brother Where Art Thou meets the Brothers Grimm as they perform original fairy tales set to lush music at Cafe Nordo in Seattle!

The Moonshine Revival Tent combines the dynamic storytelling of Bret Fetzer with the lush choral compositions of Sari Breznau and Eric Padget!  They are joined by Christine Longe, and Jillian Vashro, with the occasional participation of Lara Paxton, Mike Gilson, and Valerie Moseley. On Wednesday nights beginning May 9th, they will pitch their Moonshine Revival Tent in Nordo’s Culinarium, Café Nordo 109 S Main St, Seattle, WA 98104.  Price: $25  Phone: 2062092002  The Brothers Grimm meets O Brother Where Art Thou in two of their stories-with-songs, 17 Debutantes and The Carny Girl. Music from live bands, The Half Brothers and The St. Judas Stringband will round out the evening. Nordo’s Music Nights feature our celebrated Mac & Cheese Bar, as well as additional menu items inspired by the stories.  See the events page.   #WoMRadio is committed to raising awareness about bullying,  sharing David Carraturo's heartfelt PSA in honor of his daughter, Julianna who tragically committed suicide this year.  Mon 5/7 at 1pmET/10amPT or anytime in the archives.  Thanks to our sponsors Safety Bags, Inc., and Traci's Healthy Habits.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Email Traci at for information on how to become a guest or sponsor!

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