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Jan. 6, 2016

Winter Fun Indoors and Outside on The Sneaky Mom Show with Kas Winters

Winter Fun Indoors and Outside on The Sneaky Mom Show with Kas Winters

Join the "Sneaky Mom" Kas Winters as she shares lots of ways for kids to learn while they think they are playing. Winter is here so Kas is here with great indoo

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Word of Mom Radio

The Sneaky Mom Show kicks off 2016 with Kas Winters, founder of, sharing Winter Fun - Inside and Outside January 6th, 10amPT/1pmET and anytime in archive.  Kas is starting the new year off with great ideas for those winter days you're spending outside and inside...depending on the weather! Get ready for fabulous ways to play with your children, while they are actually learning some very valuable things they will carry with them always. Thanks to our sponsor today, Safety Bags, LLC and their new division, Please come and meet all of our sponsors in our marketplace on our website. Word of Mom Radio - for the mom in us all.