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Time Management Expert Leslie Josel Shares on The Mompreneur Model Show
Time Management Expert Leslie Josel Shares on The Mompreneu…
Creator of the award-winning academic planner, Leslie Josel shares with host Dori DeCarlo on the Mompreneur Model Show.
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May 9, 2019

Time Management Expert Leslie Josel Shares on The Mompreneur Model Show

Time Management Expert Leslie Josel Shares on The Mompreneur Model Show

Creator of the award-winning academic planner, Leslie Josel shares with host Dori DeCarlo on the Mompreneur Model Show.

Leslie Josel, founder of Order Out of Chaos, is a Certified ADHD Coach for Teens and College Students and an organizing specialist.  She provides education, tools, strategies and support to help parents and students navigate school, home and daily life.  She conducts seminars and workshops for parents, teachers and students on how ADHD, Executive Functioning and related challenges impact students’ behavior and performance while teaching students how to build effective organization and time management skills Leslie is also the creator of the award winning Academic Planner:  A Tool for Time Management…Keeping Students on Task, on Time and On Track, which gives students a natural way to visualize time so they can master it. Join us on May 9th at 1pmET/10amPT or in archive. Connect with Leslie at, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. We continue to partner with No Such Thing As a Bully say thanks to Smith Sisters Bluegrass for our fabulous theme song, She is You. Thank you sponsors Safety Bags, Inc and  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Email for info! #WoMRadio ~ Sharing the Wisdom of Women

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