June 25, 2024

Stephanie Duesing on The Village Vision Podcast with Dr. Crystal Morrison

Stephanie Duesing on The Village Vision Podcast with Dr. Crystal Morrison

Stephanie Duesing shares Eyeless Mind, a true story about what we as individuals and as a society choose to see or not see, and the power of the arts to heal.

Stephanie Duesing is a former music teacher who made a major medical discovery in the field of visual neuroplasticity. Her book "Eyeless Mind: A Memoir About Seeing and Being Seen" is the true story of that discovery and the horrific medical malpractice and abuse she and her son Sebastian experienced trying to get a diagnosis for a common visual impairment. Stephanie advocates for the rights of all people who have CVI (Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment) to have a prompt, accurate diagnosis from a competent, local physician; access to appropriate multisensory educational and habilitative services and agency and independence in making educational and habilitative decisions as much as possible. 

Join us on The Village Vision Podcast and connect with Stephanie at StephanieDuesing.com, on Facebook and X.

Dr. Crystal G. Morrison is a highly regarded executive advisor, strategist, leader, scientist, tech entrepreneur, dedicated to improving outcomes for children with special needs by building collaboration and communication among adults providing care.  She create the Village Vision podcast to celebrate their stories and ignite action. Follow at TheVillageVision.com and on FacebookInstagramLinkedIn and YouTube.

Dr. Morrison along with Jeannette Paxia, host of Ordinary People / Extraordinary Lives, bring you "SUPERHEROES on the Spectrum" and we invite you to enjoy a great conversation on The Authors Alley with Dori DeCarlo. Embark on a transformative journey into the world of neurodiversity, and buy your copy of “SUPERHEROES on the Spectrum.”

This groundbreaking book transcends boundaries, unveiling a kaleidoscope of voices that span the spectrum of autism. 33 contributors, hailing from the United States, the United Kingdom, and South Africa, invite you to learn about their diverse perspectives, experiences and insights as they share their personal stories.