Sharing the wisdom of business and in life!
Social Media Horror Stories with Janice Clark on WoMRadio
Social Media Horror Stories with Janice Clark on WoMRadio
In keeping with Halloween - we are sharings Social Media Horror Stories - so they don't happen to you! Don't get tricked when you pay for "…
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Oct. 27, 2015

Social Media Horror Stories with Janice Clark on WoMRadio

In keeping with Halloween - we are sharings Social Media Horror Stories - so they don't happen to you! Don't get tricked when you pay for "treats"!

Halloween is upon us and Janice Clark, owner of BizMSolutions, shares Social Media Horror they don't happen to you! Social Media Tales from Beyond! Tune in to get some great tips on how to make sure that these true client horror stories don't happen to you.  Ready to begin?  Hold onto your seats and prepare to be terrified and educated by Bubble, Bubble Toil and Trouble... Be sure to visit our website - and meet our show hosts and sponsors and connect with these amazing #mompreneur and #women business owners!

Word of Mom Radio's Featured Episodes!

Here are some great conversations to get you started!