Sharing the wisdom of business and in life!
Social Media Help Not Hype: Grow Your Brand #WoMRadioNetwork #BusinessSpotlight
Social Media Help Not Hype: Grow Your Brand #WoMRadioNetwor…
Practical ways for MOMpreneurs to grow their business without a huge marketing budget or celebrity friends to endorse us!
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Oct. 2, 2018

Social Media Help Not Hype: Grow Your Brand #WoMRadioNetwork #BusinessSpotlight

Social Media Help Not Hype: Grow Your Brand #WoMRadioNetwork #BusinessSpotlight

Practical ways for MOMpreneurs to grow their business without a huge marketing budget or celebrity friends to endorse us!

Business Spotlight -  Janice Clark of Biz M Solutions   On today’s Social Media Help Not Hype Show: Janice reads a lot of cute, gimmicky articles on how to grow your brand. It seems every other week there is another email with the latest tips and tricks to grow your audience online. The problem is, most of these tips don’t address the typical hard working mompreneur who doesn’t have huge dollars to spend or an arsenal of celebrity friends to promote her. That’s ok, you don’t need those things to build a good business. In this show, get some genuine advice on how to grow your audience of brand advocates and super fans, even when you don’t have a big budget and tons of time. Don't forget to give Janice your feedback on what you learned in this show!  Write to us, go to her website, or find her on facebook! Tue 10/2 at 1pmET/10amPT or anytime in the archives.   #WoMRadio is committed to raising awareness about bullying and we are sharing David Carraturo's heartfelt PSA in honor of his daughter, Julianna who tragically committed suicide this year.   Thanks to our sponsors Safety Bags, Inc., and Traci's Healthy Habits.  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Email to become a guest or sponsor! #WordofMomRadioNetwork - sharing the wisdom of women!

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