Damaris Alvarado-Rodriguez owns two highly respected child-care centers in South Philadelphia called Children’s Playhouse Early Learning Centers
A dedicated advocate for children, Damaris Alvarado-Rodriguez has been invited to speak on many occasions on behalf of the lives of young children. She is a member of several boards and advisory groups. Born in Puerto Rico, she grew up in Brooklyn before moving to Philadelphia. She owns two highly respected child-care centers in South Philadelphia called Children’s Playhouse Early Learning Centers. She says, “I believe we have a responsibility to educate children and prepare them for kindergarten, and we take that very seriously.”
Join us for KIDFUN AND MORE in podcast anytime. Be sure to connect with Sharla Feldscher, author of KIDFUN: 401 Easy Ideas for Play, and host of KIDFUN AND MORE Podcast on the Word of Mom Network.
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