Sharing the wisdom of business and in life!
Filmmakers of No Ordinary Love on Girls That Create with Erin Prather Stafford
Filmmakers of No Ordinary Love on Girls That Create with Er…
In this encore conversation, Erin Prather Stafford shares award-winning filmmaker Chyna Robinson and executive producer Tracy Rector and No…
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July 15, 2024

Filmmakers of No Ordinary Love on Girls That Create with Erin Prather Stafford

In this encore conversation, Erin Prather Stafford shares award-winning filmmaker Chyna Robinson and executive producer Tracy Rector and No Ordinary Love and its powerful message.

This week enjoy an encore of "No Ordinary Love" with Chyna Robinson and Tracy Rector on Girls that Create with Erin Prather Stafford. 

Join host Erin Prather Stafford as she shares No Ordinary Love filmmakers Chyna Robinson and Tracy Rector. The lines between romantic ideals and obsession become blurred when a woman finds herself in a dangerous situation with her police officer husband. After exposing his secret to her pastor’s wife, the two women’s lives intersect with shocking results.
Chyna Robinson is an award-winning filmmaker whose work has appeared on national and international film circuits. Her director work includes the historical drama Greenwood: 13 Hours, the thriller Lola Lisa, and No Ordinary Love. No Ordinary Love centers on two women experiencing betrayal and manipulation by their husbands. Eventually, they begin plotting to find a way out. Chyna has been recognized during SXSW as a "Female Filmmaker to Watch" and featured at the American Black Film Festival. She is committed to telling compelling stories with women in key roles in front of and behind the camera.  
Tracy Rector never dreamed of being a filmmaker but found herself called to be the executive producer of No Ordinary Love. Her passion as a survivor and her desire to reach out to other victims was the force behind the project. While serving on the Safe Haven of Tarrant County Board, Tracy learned from their annual Fatality Review that greater domestic abuse awareness is needed. As a survivor, her favorite hashtag is #StartByBelieving. These words resonate with her experience of being married to a well-known, beloved minister who few believed could be abusive.  
To watch No Ordinary Love or schedule a community screening, visit the No Ordinary Love website. You can also follow the movie on Instagram and Facebook. You can also send a DM through social to schedule a screening.  
Need Help Now? Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233).  
Host Erin Prather Stafford launched Girls That Create in 2019, a site supports the parents and caregivers of creative girls while encouraging greater female representation across the arts. Before Girls That Create, Erin was the Executive Producer of the award-winning documentary WONDER WOMEN! THE UNTOLD STORY OF AMERICAN SUPERHEROINES. The film had its national broadcast on Independent Lens | PBS and traces the fascinating evolution and legacy of Wonder Woman. It also examines the portrayal of powerful women in mass media and why representation matters.
For more parenting resources for raising girls and supporting female representation across the arts, visit and follow us on Instagram, FacebookPinterest, and YouTube.  
Please support a global 501(c)3 nonprofit that empowers survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.  
We thank Smith Sisters and the Sunday Drivers for our theme song, "She is You".
Connect with Word of Mom on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. - sharing the wisdom of women, in business and in life.

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