July 12, 2023

Marilyn Morales on Ordinary People Extraordinary Lives with Jeannette Paxia

Marilyn Morales on Ordinary People Extraordinary Lives with Jeannette Paxia

Marilyn Morales’ passion is in education, teaching others how to move forward from the emotional traumas of grief and PTSD.

Marilyn Morales is a Board Certified Holistic Registered Nurse with over 30 years of experience in the healthcare field. Marilyn is the host of a new show “Unscripted with Marilyn Morales”. Unscripted can be seen on YouTube, Anchor and heard on Spotify weekly on Sundays, as well as CTF-TV.

Marilyn has launched her book “When the Answer is No…Finding purpose through Pain” in January 2023. This journey takes you through her experience with PTSD after her experience in 9/11 in NY and her grief after losing her daughter Isabella to a rare Leukemia.

As a Holistic Wellness Advisor and Speaker, Marilyn’s passion is education, teaching others how to heal and move forward from the emotional traumas of grief and PTSD using holistic methods as a guide. Marilyn also strives to carry on Isabella’s legacy by shedding light on the need for diversity in the National Be The Match Registry.

Marilyn is the President of the Non Profit organization, Izzy’s Legacy Inc. IzzysLegacy.com is dedicated to increasing diversity and  representation on the National Bone Marrow Registry through education, in addition to providing financial support to individuals on a cancer Journey.

Find out more on Ordinary People/Extraordinary Lives in podcast anytime. Show host Jeannette Paxia is a #TransformationalSpeaker and Coach, and aims to do whatever she can to help others live life to their fullest .Connect with Jeannette at InnerSuperHero.org. Grab her free guide, How to create open communication with children at www.innersuperhero.me 

Please support UnsilencedVoices.org a global 501(c)3 nonprofit that empowers survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking. 

We shine a light on No Such Thing as a Bully and thank Smith Sisters and the Sunday Drivers for our theme song, "She is You".

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