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Live Love Sleep Founder Kaley Medina on The Parents Corner on WoMRadio
Live Love Sleep Founder Kaley Medina on The Parents Corner …
Whether you have a newborn, a baby, or you are dealing with the terrible twos, Kaley Medina and the team at Live Love Sleep can help you an…
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June 28, 2022

Live Love Sleep Founder Kaley Medina on The Parents Corner on WoMRadio

Live Love Sleep Founder Kaley Medina on The Parents Corner on WoMRadio

Whether you have a newborn, a baby, or you are dealing with the terrible twos, Kaley Medina and the team at Live Love Sleep can help you and your little one get

Kaley Medina is a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant and founder of Live Love Sleep. Although her most important job is being the proud mama of two little cuties, Evalyn (5) and Leo (3). 

Evalyn was a TERRIBLE sleeper from the beginning. She was awake for HOURS on end no matter what was trying to get her to sleep. Being in a constant state of sleep deprivation left her feeling frazzled, unable to concentrate. 

Kaley was nervous about sleep training because she wasn’t comfortable letting her daughter “cry it out.” So, when she learned of gentler methods to teach her how to sleep, I was all in. And to my surprise, my daughter slept all the way through for the first time in her life after the first night of sleep training! As a result, both of our lives were changed forever. 

Kaley’s passion became helping parents teach their little ones how to get more sleep due to the incredible success she saw from sleep training her daughter. She completed her Sleep Sense Certification and founded Live Love Sleep to help moms and their children get the sleep they need and deserve.

 As a Sleep Consultant, Kaley takes a look at the entire picture of what is going on in your child’s life – not just what’s happening in the bedroom. In fact, there are a number of factors that can impact your child’s sleep. These factors include diet, sleep environment, routines and schedule. Likewise, even developmental milestones can impact your child’s sleep. Kaley reviews all of these factors while creating your child’s sleep plan to SOLVE your sleep problems once and for all!

Kaley creates a customized sleep plan to address each child’s specific needs that is discussed in detail during a private consultation. The secret to her success is follow up support. I’m going to be with you for several weeks to address any questions and troubleshoot issues as they arise. As a Sleep Consultant, her job is to identify and modify each family’s plan as they go to ensure they’re reaching your sleep goals within just a few weeks!

As one of her former clients put it “I can only describe this experience as utterly LIFE CHANGING!”

Kaley has served on the Advisory Board for Sleep Sense, has been featured on NBC, Yahoo!, Forbes, Mind Body Green, Wonder Baby, and has been voted Best Sleep Consultant 2 years running. She has her bachelor's and master’s degree from Texas A&M University in College Station, TX.

Join us on The Parents Corner in podcast. Connect with Haley at and on Instagram and Facebook and Free Newborn eBook.

Enjoy one of Sharla Feldscher's KIDFUN Minutes from 401 Easy Ideas for Play. Thanks to at We continue to shine the light on No Such Thing as a Bully and thank Smith Sisters and the Sunday Drivers for our theme song, She is You.

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