Sharing the wisdom of business and in life!
Word of Mom Radio

Ruoyun Killian

Ruoyun Killian Profile Photo

Human-Centered Marketing

I am a human-centered marketing and business advisor helping companies build 100-year brands so that they can continue growing sustainably and shift our society for the better. 90% of business problems are human problems. If we don’t understand the root problem we only create bandaid issues. The root problem lies in how the business and system are created to be adaptable to change.

For the past decade, I have guided many brands to build their online brand to be aligned with who they are and the impact they want to create in their communities. My end goal is to help grow without putting strain on their most important asset, their team, and themselves. Together, we’ve created their human-centered marketing system that allows their team to tap into their zone of genius and optimize their efforts.

Most of what we see as standards of society at some point was impacted by the innovations brought forward by a company in the last 100 years. As more brands focus on contributing long-lasting impact to their community, we want to build their brand and business to be resilient throughout an ever-changing algorithm, economy, and human society.

I look forward to helping you and your team build your 100-year brand.

Chat soon, Ruoyun

Sept. 9, 2024

Ruoyun Killian on Girls That Create with Erin Prather Stafford on WoMRadio

Ruoyun Xu Killian is a human-centered marketing and business advisor helping companies build 100-year brands so that they can continue growing sustainably.