Sharing the wisdom of business and in life!
Word of Mom Radio

Roxie Fiste

Roxie Fiste Profile Photo


I’m a wife, a mom, a storyteller, an artist and an author. I have always enjoyed leading children in some type of educational setting, whether in a scientific field or creative venture.
My life changed when our daughter was badly injured and I became a full time caregiver. Over the past 17 years I took care of her, my mother and then my father.
After my parents passing and my daughter improved some I turned my dream of publishing a book I had written and illustrated into a reality. The past year has led to two books with several more waiting in the wings. Recently I completed the illustrations for my next book (three months in the making) which should hit production shortly.

My passion is to create stories, with vibrant characters, that will inspire kids to explore their own creativity, to have fun. If they learn something along the way - that’s another positive! (Every story I write contains little lessons so parents will have talking points with their littles.)
Who knows - my books may inspire kids to create something new!

Jan. 15, 2025

Roxie Fiste and Ali's Big Adventure on The Authors Alley with Dori DeCarlo

Roxie Fiste brings us Ali’s Big Adventure, the colorful first entry in the Ali’s Adventures illustrated children’s picture book series.
Guest: Roxie Fiste