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Word of Mom Radio

Patrina Baksmaty

Patrina Baksmaty Profile Photo


Patrina Baksmaty is a mom to three spirited neurodiverse children and the founder of The Kaleidoscope Collaborative.
Before motherhood, she served twice-exceptional learners as Head of School at a nature-based private school for gifted learners in Houston. Before that, she co-founded KIPP King Collegiate High School - the first KIPP high school on the west coast. In 2017, her middle child was diagnosed as autistic, with hyperlexia (precocious reading ability), and with a severe speech delay.
Since then, she has been immersed in all things related to neurodiversity, special education, and inclusion. She consults with families during the IEP design process and leads workshops on Universal Design for Learning for teachers and parents.

Feb. 13, 2024

Patrinia Baksmaty Joins Dr. Crystal Morrison on The Village Vision on WoMRadio

The Kaleidoscope Collaborative (TKC) is a disability-centered equity design consultancy that designs innovative partnerships between public schools and community