Sharing the wisdom of business and in life!
Word of Mom Radio

Laurie-Ann Murabito

Laurie-Ann Murabito Profile Photo

Speaking Coach, Author, Speaker

Laurie-Ann Murabito, Speaking Coach & Strategist is a reformed painfully shy gal who works with motivated business owners to write and deliver a captivating speech to get credibility, sell out their high-end programs and monetize their authority. She combines her years as an award winning professional speaker, executive leadership coach and having started three successful businesses from the ground up. Besides helping her clients get positioned as the expert in their industry and building a profitable business that aligns with their purpose; she’s the best selling author of Rethink Leadership and Rethink Your Leadership. A few of her clients are Johnson & Johnson, American Cancer Society, Baystate Wealth and Bali Mastermind by Sabrina Philipp. To learn more, visit her and podcast Be In Demand, visit