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Word of Mom Radio

Bethany Gettis

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Bethany Gettis C.H.N. Certified
Holistic Nutritional Consultant™

Bethany struggled with post-Partum depression with her first baby, she knows what it’s like to feel alone, overwhelmed and anxious as a new mother. Society put’s so much pressure on moms to be superwomen and on top of all that, lose the baby weight and be a contributor to the household.

Bethany worked as a nurse in the dieting sector for over 5 years before kids, then went into holistic nutrition and earned a diploma from CSNN in 2010, with accompanying C.H.N designation. Motherhood has been the hardest job by far, but has taught her the most rewarding life lessons.

Learn from her trials and tribulations, how she has become the leader in her own life and use what she has implemented to change your life too. When mom’s needs come first, we are in fact taking care of the whole family through a way of osmosis.

One on one coaching is the best way to manage your mom stress, keeping you accountable to your goal, understanding your own nutrition and supplementation needs, having your family involved in a plan to eat healthier, making exercise as a team a regular priority and all the while learning valuable mindset tricks, to thrive for years to come.