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Word of Mom Radio

Anna Burns

Anna Burns Profile Photo

ADHD coach for ADHD Moms

My name is Dr. Anna Burns, PT, DPT, and I am an ADHD coach for moms with ADHD, like myself. I work with women who need strategies, tools, clarity, and accountability with creating a life built around our neurodivergent brains, instead of trying fit into a mold created for neurotypical individuals.

With over a decade of experience as a pelvic health physical therapist and a degree in psychology, I have combined my love of the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of ADHD into a coaching program that will take you from overwhelm and chaos to calm and confidence.

Oct. 23, 2024

ADHD Coach for Moms Dr. Anna Burns on The Coaching Corner with Dori DeCarlo

Renew your energy. Reclaim your focus. Restore your confidence. Anna Burns Wellness offers a holistic approach to ADHD wellness for women.
Guest: Anna Burns