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Fitz Koehler Fitness Expert on The Mompreneur Model w Dori DeCarlo
Fitz Koehler Fitness Expert on The Mompreneur Model w Dori …
Fitzness is a gimmick free, innovative, concise, fun and attainable form of fitness created by Fitz Koehler
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Aug. 13, 2015

Fitz Koehler Fitness Expert on The Mompreneur Model w Dori DeCarlo

Fitzness is a gimmick free, innovative, concise, fun and attainable form of fitness created by Fitz Koehler

Fitz Koehler is a fitness innovator who has been teaching fitness around the globe for over two decades. She’s president of Fitzness International LLC, a fitness company that specializes in fitness education via mass media, and fitness programming for children (Morning Mile). Along with teaching to millions in person via corporate speaking engagements and seminars in over a dozen countries, Fitz has promoted fitness through every avenue of mass media; books, television, films, radio, magazines, journals and online. Fitz’s mission is to tack ten years on to everyone’s life she comes across. Fitzness is not only an aggressive force in the worldwide push to increase health; Fitz has created a brand.  Join us on August 13th at 10amPT/1pmET on #WoMRadio. Thanks to our show sponsors Thirty-One Gifts and LiveNLoveCreations. Meet them and all our sponsors in our Mompreneur Marketplace. WoMRadio for the mom in us all.

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