Amla Mehta, is a well known Connecticut based Motivational speaker, teacher and author of two books, Eye With a View and The Ultimate Guide to Self-Healing Volume 3. ( A collaborative book). Amla's purpose is to inspire individuals to shine authentically, despite any adversity, based on her journey of vision loss. After all, everybody is worthy and deserving of self-love.
Join us in a combined Authors Alley and Healthy Habits on February at 1pmET/10amPT and then in podcast. Contact Amla Mehta at and follow her online at @AmlaInspires on Facebook, Twitter, Instgram, YouTube and TikTok.
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Thanks to our sponsors Safety Bags, Inc.,, and, and to SmithSistersBluegrass for our theme song, She is You.
#WordofMomRadio - Sharing the wisdom of women, in business and in life.