Brigitte Shipman shares her knowledge and tools with moms who want to live with more joy and resilience on this autism parenting journey.
Denise Thomas inspires, educates, and equips parents who take an active role in supporting their children to live a life of financial freedom.
Kimberly Inez Mays demystifies technology for coaches and speakers so they can generate and nurture more leads!
Changes in your life begin with your own thoughts.
Michelle Weihman is passionate about empowering individuals to take charge of their lives, and as a life coach, she's here to make that happen.
Relationships Can Be Challenging... But They Don't Have To Be Hard. The trick is to stay connected to yourself and then, connect with the other person.
Heart and Butta, where leaders and organizations collaborate, curate and cultivate atmospheres of wellness for retaining and attracting top talent.
Meerkat Village connects parents and caregivers of special needs children with their providers and supporters all in one place.
Rebecca Hale's new hobby of golf connected the dots of her own trauma healing, and inspired her to create opportunities to learn the power of their nervous system.
Nicky Cuesta is an award-winning speaker, author, and coach, she has captivated audiences with her inspiring words and received accolades for her contributions.
With over twenty five years of business experience, Sharifah Hardie has positioned herself to become one of the top executives in entertainment, business, polit
Jeannette Paxia is talking to people about their lives in the show that focuses on Extraordinary Events in their lives. We all have stories, we have all learned
Jeannette Paxia is here sharing Susan Dankel...another of the Ordinary People Extraordinary Lives that she shares on this inspiring and uplifting show.
Knowing that You Are A Super Hero is Jeannette Paxia's Super Power and she will be sharing Ordinary People Extraordinary Lives every month here on Word of Mom R
Jeannette Paxia and her unique mix of straight-talk, humor and compassion, mixed with medical background and real life experiences, not only inspires her audien