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July 10, 2024

The Coaching Container: A Framework for Simplifying Coaching Conversations

The Coaching Container: A Framework for Simplifying Coaching Conversations


 Claire Pedrick developed the Coaching Container, a framework that provides structure and clarity to coaching sessions. In today's complex world, coaching has become an indispensable tool for helping individuals and organizations navigate challenges and achieve their goals. However, coaching conversations can often be complex and overwhelming, leaving both coaches and clients feeling frustrated. 

What is the Coaching Container?

The Coaching Container is a set of guidelines and principles that define the boundaries and expectations of a coaching conversation. It consists of four cornerstones:

  • Purpose: The clear and specific goal of the coaching session.
  • Agenda: The plan for how the session will unfold, including the topics to be covered and the amount of time allocated for each.
  • Roles: The responsibilities and expectations of both the coach and the client during the session.
  • Process: The specific steps and techniques that will be used to facilitate the conversation.

The Four Cornerstones of the Coaching Container


The purpose of the coaching session should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). This ensures that both the coach and the client have a clear understanding of what they are working towards and what success looks like.


The agenda is the roadmap for the coaching session. It outlines the key topics that will be covered and the approximate time that will be spent on each topic. This helps to keep the session focused and productive.


The coach and the client have distinct roles in the coaching process. The coach is the facilitator, while the client is the expert on their own life and goals. The coach's role is to ask powerful questions, provide insights, and support the client in their journey. The client's role is to be open, honest, and willing to take action.


The process refers to the specific steps and techniques that will be used during the coaching session. These may include active listening, questioning, reflection, and goal setting. Choosing the right process depends on the client's needs, the specific topic being discussed, and the coach's approach.

How to Use the Coaching Container

Using the Coaching Container is a straightforward process:

  1. Plan: Before the session, both the coach and the client should agree on the purpose, agenda, roles, and process.
  2. Facilitate: During the session, the coach should guide the conversation according to the agreed-upon plan.
  3. Reflect: At the end of the session, both the coach and the client should reflect on what was covered, what was accomplished, and what the next steps are.

Benefits of the Coaching Container

Using the Coaching Container provides several benefits:

  • Clarity: It provides a clear and structured framework for coaching conversations.
  • Focus: It helps to keep the conversation on track and prevents it from becoming sidetracked.
  • Trust: It establishes clear expectations and boundaries, which fosters trust between the coach and the client.
  • Efficiency: It makes coaching sessions more efficient and productive.
  • Results: Ultimately, it leads to better results for clients by providing a supportive and structured environment for growth.


The Coaching Container is a powerful tool that can simplify and enhance coaching conversations. By providing a clear framework and structure, it helps to ensure that both the coach and the client are working together effectively towards the client's goals.

If you are a coach or a client looking to improve the quality of your coaching conversations, I highly recommend that you consider using the Coaching Container. You can learn more about the Coaching Container and other coaching resources by listening to my episode on The Coaching Corner with Dori DeCarlo on WoMRadio.

Related Episode

July 10, 2024

Claire Pedrick on The Coaching Corner with Dori DeCarlo on WoMRadio

Claire Pedrick, at 3D Coaching, offers coaching for individuals and teams as well as training for coaches and organizations.