April 17, 2023

Tech and Child Wellbeing With Kris Perry | Executive Director of Children and Screens

Tech and Child Wellbeing With Kris Perry | Executive Director of Children and Screens

Girls That Create host Erin Prather Stafford chats with Kris Perry, Executive Director of Children and Screens, about children's experiences with social media and digital devices, the potential harms and benefits, and the role of parents in navigating these challenges.

Listen to the full interview on Word of Mom Radio.

In this episode, they discuss:

  • Discussing the impact of digital devices and social media on children's lives
  • The importance of communication and setting boundaries with children
  • Addressing body image concerns and social comparison in the digital age
  • Strategies for teaching children to navigate the online world safely
  • The potential role of policy and legislation in protecting children online

Are you looking for more information about helping girls navigate the online world? Children and Screens has contributed several posts to the Girls That Create Parenting Resources section:

10 Ways Parents Can Work With Teens for Healthy Social Media Use

Tips For Teen Girls to Cope With Social Media Comparison

11 Tips for Helping Girls Build Character in a Digital World

10 Tips for Helping Teens and Tweens Navigate Online Civic Engagement

Thanks to Girls That Create episode sponsor Ellivate Alliance, a community of brave women entrepreneurs channeling their feminine wisdom to run their businesses, create social change, and find joy in who they are and what they do.

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