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May 15, 2024

Breaking Down the Student Debt Burden: A Guide for Parents

Breaking Down the Student Debt Burden: A Guide for Parents

Denise Thomas and Student Debt 

Denise Thomas and the student debt burden! Denise is a TEDx speaker, international best-selling author, and coach to parents of college-bound teens. Denise shares her strategies for empowering parents to help their children avoid overwhelming debt while pursuing higher education.

The Student Debt Crisis in the US

The student debt crisis in the US is a growing concern, with over 45 million Americans collectively owing more than $1.7 trillion in student loans. This debt can have a significant impact on borrowers' financial well-being, affecting their ability to save for retirement, buy a home, or start a business.

Denise Thomas's Strategies for Parents

Denise Thomas has developed a proprietary strategy to help parents support their children in achieving higher education without incurring overwhelming debt. Her approach focuses on:

  • Financial planning
  • Early college planning
  • Maximizing scholarship opportunities
  • Negotiating with colleges
  • Exploring alternative financing options

How to Help Your Child Avoid Overwhelming Debt

Parents can play a vital role in helping their children avoid overwhelming student debt. By following these steps, you can empower your child to make informed decisions about their education and financial future:

  • Start saving early for college
  • Encourage your child to apply for scholarships
  • Help your child research schools that offer merit scholarships
  • Teach your child about financial responsibility
  • Discuss the potential consequences of student debt

How to Empower Your Child to Pursue Higher Education without Debt

While avoiding student debt is ideal, it may not always be possible. However, parents can still empower their children to pursue higher education without being burdened by excessive debt. Here are some strategies:

  • Consider community colleges or technical schools
  • Explore apprenticeships or other work-based learning programs
  • Encourage your child to pursue a degree in a high-demand field
  • Help your child negotiate with colleges to lower tuition costs


The student debt crisis is a complex issue with no easy solutions. However, by empowering parents and students with the necessary knowledge and strategies, it is possible to navigate this challenge and pursue higher education without overwhelming debt. Remember to listen to Ordinary People/Extraordinary Lives with Jeannette Paxia as she and Denise Thomas for additional insights and guidance.