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June 20, 2024

Salus Publishing: A Commitment to Sustainability

Salus Publishing: A Commitment to Sustainability

Salus Publishing and Sustainability 

In today's world, it's more important than ever for businesses to prioritize sustainability. Not only is it the right thing to do for the environment, but it can also be beneficial for the bottom line. Salus Publishing is a company that has made a commitment to sustainability in every aspect of its operations. From paper sourcing to marketing materials, Salus is leading the way in sustainable publishing practices.

Georgia Lininger and Salus Publishing's Sustainability Journey

Georgia Lininger, the founder of Salus Publishing, has always been passionate about sustainability. When she started her company, she knew that she wanted to create a business that was both profitable and environmentally conscious.

"I believe that businesses have a responsibility to give back to the community and the environment," says Lininger. "Salus Publishing is my way of doing that."

Salus Publishing's commitment to sustainability starts with the paper it uses. All of Salus's books are printed on 100% recycled paper. This means that the paper has been used before and then recycled into new paper. This process saves trees and energy, and it also reduces pollution.

In addition to using recycled paper, Salus also uses environmentally friendly printing practices. The company uses vegetable-based inks and low-VOC (volatile organic compound) solvents. This helps to reduce the environmental impact of the printing process.

Salus Publishing's Commitment to Carbon Neutrality

Salus Publishing is also committed to carbon neutrality. This means that the company offsets all of the carbon emissions that it produces. Salus does this by purchasing carbon credits from renewable energy projects.

Carbon credits are a way for companies to invest in renewable energy projects and help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. When a company purchases a carbon credit, it is essentially paying for the environmental benefits of a renewable energy project.

Salus Publishing has purchased carbon credits from a variety of renewable energy projects, including wind farms, solar farms, and biomass projects. By doing this, the company is helping to reduce its environmental impact and support the development of renewable energy.

Innovative Practices in Paper Sourcing and Marketing Materials

In addition to its commitment to sustainability, Salus Publishing is also known for its innovative practices in paper sourcing and marketing materials.

Salus uses a variety of recycled and tree-free papers for its marketing materials. For example, the company uses recycled paper for its brochures and business cards. Salus also uses tree-free paper, which is made from sustainable materials such as bamboo and hemp.

Salus is also committed to using sustainable packaging materials. The company uses recycled cardboard for its shipping boxes and biodegradable packaging peanuts.

The Importance of Sustainability in Today's Publishing Industry

Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in today's publishing industry. Consumers are more aware of the environmental impact of their choices, and they are increasingly choosing to buy products from companies that are committed to sustainability.

Salus Publishing is a leader in sustainable publishing practices. The company's commitment to sustainability is evident in every aspect of its operations, from paper sourcing to marketing materials. Salus is a model for other businesses in the publishing industry, and its success is proof that sustainability can be both profitable and environmentally conscious.

Salus Publishing: A Model for Sustainable Business Practices

Salus Publishing is a model for sustainable business practices. The company's commitment to sustainability is evident in every aspect of its operations. Salus is proof that it is possible to run a successful business while also being environmentally conscious.

If you are interested in learning more about Salus Publishing, visit their website at You can also connect with Georgia Lininger on social media at:

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Salus Publishing is a shining example of how businesses can make a positive environmental impact. The company's commitment to sustainability is inspiring, and it is proof that it is possible to be both profitable and environmentally conscious. To learn more about Georgia Lininger and Salus Publishing's inspiring journey to sustainable business practices, be sure to listen to The Business Spotlight with Dori DeCarlo with Georgia as a guest!

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