Rynski Grief Recovery

I’m Ryn Gargulinski. But you can call me Rynski.
I'll start by saying I'm a Gemini. That helps explain why I'm a spiritual grief recovery coach but also a writer, artist, speaker, Reiki master, crystal enthusiast and dog mom who shines in the sun and swoons under the moon.
So many passions – so little time!
Actually, I never fit neatly into a little box. Most of us don't. And the beauty of it is, we don't have to. Life is one big playground, a smorgasbord of joy – and we deserve to taste every last morsel.
I wasn't always as happy as I am today. People actually used to call me morose. And that was one of the nicer adjectives.
I spent the first 29 years of my life on a drunken whirlwind tour of self-destruction that nearly killed me. When I realized I wanted to live and entered recovery in 1999, I had decades worth of emotions that I never dealt with.
When my soul mate dog died in 2014, I found out in a big way that one of those emotions was grief. Whoa.
It wasn't just the grief of losing Sawyer (although that alone was huge). It was the grief from an entire lifetime of losses that ripped through my soul.
But I got through to the other side. Working through my grief shed so much light and released so much anguish, that I knew I wanted to help others experience the same kind of buoyancy and freedom.
So I finally wrote my life story, giving it a short and sweet title: How to Get Through Hell on Earth Without Drinking a Keg or Kicking a Garden Gnome. My aim was to share inspiration, hope and laughter. To show people you can recover and heal from anything.
I also focused my coaching efforts in an area where I had tons of experience, spot-on qualifications and clients with the most remarkable transformations.
That focus is spiritual grief coaching.
I help those in mourning reclaim their vibrancy by teaching them how to love again with my grief recovery system.
My grief recovery system is part of my Grief Recovery Mastermind. It's a proven combination of coaching, Reiki energy therapy and meditative journeys to promote healing.
If healing from grief sounds good to you, join us on this life-changing adventure. Learn more at RynskiGriefRecovery.com.