June 4, 2024

Janis Isman: A Trailblazer in Trauma-Sensitive Movement

Janis Isman: A Trailblazer in Trauma-Sensitive Movement

Tune in to our latest Village Vison Podcast featuring Janis Isman, a leading expert in trauma-sensitive movement. In this episode, Janis shares her insights and experiences on the power of personalized body-focused services for mental health and wellness.

Janis's Work at My Body Couture

As the founder of My Body Couture, Janis provides a safe and supportive environment where clients can explore their bodies and heal through movement. She offers various services, including trauma-sensitive yoga, somatic experiencing, and chronic pain management.

Janis's personal journey led her to become a certified Trauma Sensitive Movement Specialist. Her work focuses on providing customized support for clients with chronic pain, illness, injuries, and movement limitations. She believes in approaching mental health and wellness from a body-first lens. She explains how our bodies hold onto trauma and stress, which can lead to various physical and emotional issues.

Understanding Trauma from a Somatic Perspective

Janis emphasizes the importance of understanding trauma from a somatic perspective, which focuses on the physical sensations and responses associated with trauma. She discusses the role of the nervous system in trauma and how movement can help regulate it. She has developed a proprietary method of personalized body-focused services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. She believes that trauma should not be handled with a one-size-fits-all approach and that each person deserves an individualized plan.


Janis Isman's work is transforming the lives of individuals living with trauma. Her trauma-sensitive movement approach provides a holistic and empowering way to heal and reclaim their bodies and minds. To hear more from Janis and explore the transformative power of trauma-sensitive movement, listen to Dr. Crystal Morrison and The Village Vision Podcast.