Sharing the wisdom of business and in life!
7th anniversary celebration - 4th and final LIVE March Tuesday
7th anniversary celebration - 4th and final LIVE March Tues…
Join us in the 8th year of sharing the wisdom of women, empowering Mompreneurs and women in business by sharing stories and resources!
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March 26, 2019

7th anniversary celebration - 4th and final LIVE March Tuesday

7th anniversary celebration - 4th and final LIVE March Tuesday

Join us in the 8th year of sharing the wisdom of women, empowering Mompreneurs and women in business by sharing stories and resources!

Tune in for another LIVE anniversary show here on #WoMRadio as Dori DeCarlo and Traci Timmons welcome back some of our favorite guests and sponsors so we can find out where they are now! We are joined by past guests Amy Hilbrich Davis from Family Life Success, "THE David" of The David Bowers Awards here on BTR, Kemya Scott The Marketing Sparkler and  "Uncle Mark" Olmstead from The True Sunbeam who'll be sharing what's happening in their lives and businesses since their last time on WoMRadio. We continue to partner with No Such Thing As a Bully and The Moment of Kindness Foundation to help bring more kindness into the world and change the language surrounding our culture, eliminating words like bully and victim.  Thanks as always to Smith Sister Bluegrass for our closing song.   We'll be LIVE Tue 3/26 1pmET/10amPT or LIVE on your time in the archives anytime. Thank you to our sponsors at Safety Bags, Inc; and  Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.  Email to become a guest or sponsor! Word of Mom Radio Network ~ Sharing the Wisdom of Women

Word of Mom Radio's Featured Episodes!

Here are some great conversations to get you started!