April 17, 2024

1106 Design Michele DeFilippo on The Authors Alley with Dori DeCarlo on WoMRadio

At 1106 Design, Michele DeFilippo provides traditional publisher quality for independent authors with one-stop, end-to-end services from manuscript to market.

1106 Design and Michele DeFilippo on WoMRadio

Michele DeFilippo owns 1106 Design, a one-stop source that serves independent authors who want traditional publisher quality for their books without sacrificing their vision, rights, and royalties in return. 

1106 Design offers all the services authors need without “sharing” a penny of their revenue from sales. Their experienced editors and designers cut through the noise and ensure a stress-free process and a standout book.

Download our free guide, Publish Like the Pros: A Brief Guide to Quality Self-Publishing, at 1106design.com. When your manuscript is ready, click here!

Tune in for The Authors Alley with Dori DeCarlo anytime. Follow 1106 Design on LinkedInFacebookTwitter and YouTube

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We thank Smith Sisters and the Sunday Drivers for our theme song, "She is You".

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Michele DeFilippo Profile Photo

Michele DeFilippo

Owner, 1106 Design

On the document I'll email.